Saturday, September 13, 2014

This and that

I have spent today so far on the computer.  Started at 8 am and it is now almost 2 pm.  Tim wanted a Facebook icon for his email signature.  I had already done this a few months ago but his computer went haywire and I had to take it back to factory settings.  I remember it had taken me some time to figure out how to get the icon with the link to his Facebook page.  I was going back and forth from his computer to mine since I was looking at YouTube videos for instructions on mine.  I may spend a lot of time on the computer but I’m also the person who couldn’t figure out how to get 12:00 to stop blinking on the dvd player.  Today I had to do it all over again.  And, I couldn’t remember how I did it.  So, once again I was searching YouTube videos for instructions.  Actually it didn’t take me as long as the first time but then I decided to add icons for our SkyMed pages for my email signature.  Tim saw mine and he wanted the same for his email.  I would send a test email from his computer to me to see if the icons with the links would work.  I’d then roll the office chair back to my computer to read the email on my computer.  Drat!  Didn’t work.  Where did it go?  Back and forth, back and forth.  He has three different email accounts and they were driving me crazy.  Back to YouTube.  Duh.  Forgot that step.  He’s on his own the next time.

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