Thursday, September 04, 2014

Books continued…

I’ve always turned to books for solace, comfort, advice and how to cook sauerbraten.  Yes, sauerbraten.  Smelled the house up so bad when it was done I threw it out.  I just couldn’t eat it.  I’ve collected so many cookbooks over the years I could start my own library.  Each time we travelled whether in this country or overseas I always bought a cookbook that represented the area we were in. Some were in another language I couldn’t read but the pictures were great!  I don’t remember actually cooking anything from them (except maybe the Irish one).

The oldest cookbook I have is dated 1881.  “Just How – A Key To the Cook-Books” by Mrs. A.D.T. Whitney.  Author of “Real Folks”, “We Girls”, “The Other Girls,” and “The Gayworthys”.  Somehow I missed those books in the library.  Part of her Preface reads:  “There are in cookery, as in all things, three definite stages of doing; and, they are the stages of the children’s play-rhyme:  “One to make ready ;  Two to prepare ;  Three to go slambang,  And there you are!”  I like the slambang part…I can relate to it.

She finishes her Preface with…”By the same progress, you have become, in like degree, a capable journeywoman at your trade”  I wish you a very friendly good-by.”

I’m not sure about being a capable journeywoman…but I can slambang with the best of them.  I wish you a friendly good-by.

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