Saturday, June 30, 2012

Update on Pressure Cooker


Remember awhile back I got one at a sale?  Well, it’s history.  Gave it to Goodwill.   

Friday, June 01, 2012

End of an era...

 Eight years ago we bought this motor home.  We never owned one before.... no tent, trailer, nada.  My idea of camping was JW Marriott.  I'm not sure what possessed us to buy one. 

The last three years we lived in it full time.  (That's less than 300 square feet of living quarters.)  We primarily travelled west of the Mississippi except for one trip to Alabama.  I was raised in the Midwest and I told Tim I wasn't travelling back there until Wal-Mart had underground parking for RVs to escape the tornados. 
It's been a great motorhome.  We've had experiences of a lifetime and most important of all...we've reconnected with Tim's cousin, Dick and his wife, Rosemary (we had lost touch with them for years and ran into them at a rally in Albuquerque, NM).  We've also made new friendships that will last a lifetime whom we never would have met if it had not been for the motorhome, rallies (and Lucy).  Things happen for a reason. 

However, it is time to hang up the keys.  As Tim says, he's managed to drive the side of a barn down the road for 8 years with no one hitting us and us not hitting them...a good time to quit.
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