Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wedding Dress and Politics

Have no idea how the two go together except I had both thoughts in the middle of the night.  I thought about my wedding dress from my first marriage.  My dad drove me to Decatur, IL to the Sears store.  Yes, my dress came off the rack from Sears.  It was street length, white and that’s all I remember about it. 

As for politics in the middle of the night…made me want to get up and pull an Elvis Presley and shoot the TV all to smitherines.  I’m sick of all the ads, lies, accusations.  What happened to decency in this country?  What’s happened to decency and morality?  Shame on them. 

Monday, October 08, 2012

Time Warp

This picture really doesn’t have anything to do with the purpose of this post other than it does reflect another period of time in my life.  I learned how to sew on this type of machine.  old singer sewing machine
I got to thinking about the last 4 years and decided we were caught in a time warp.  Wikepedia’s definition:  According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, when a body of mass "m" and volume "V" (each length of "l") moves with a velocity "v", then many changes take place in is physical appearance. Its length decreases and mass increases. These factors keep on increasing and decreasing with the increase in velocity. When the body reaches the speed of light "c", the length becomes zero, mass becomes infinite and time factor vanishes. In other words, no time passes inside the event horizon of the moving body. In this way, the body sometimes takes irregular shapes and covers a distance of millions of light years in no time, because the passage of time for that moving body is vanished. During this process, the body is said to be moving with a time-warp speed. 

You got all that, right?  Allow me to clarify.

Einstein’s theory:  In other words, no time passes inside the event horizon of the moving body. In this way, the body sometimes takes irregular shapes and covers a distance of millions of light years in no time, because the passage of time for that moving body is vanished.

Sue’s theory:  The moving body we were in for the last 4 years was a 38 foot motor home.  It did take on irregular shapes at times since we had three slide outs.  And, we covered a whole lot of miles in what now seems like no time, since we are back in our stick home and that moving motor home has gone bye bye.  Yup, no doubt about it, we were in a time warp.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Medio Enchilada Sauce

Tim was in the mood for enchiladas and since we were in the grocery store that caters to the Hispanic population I thought it would be a good place to get some enchilada sauce.

IMG_2700  I understood “salsa, roja, and figured ‘medio’ met medium heat.  I always buy ‘medium’ salsa so thought this would be a good choice.  I had not made enchiladas before but I had watched “The Pioneer Cooking Woman’s” show the day before and she had made enchiladas.  I had dvr’d the show so I could replay it and follow her instructions. No problem.  I had the ground beef, the tortillas and my “medio salsa roja sauce”.  I opened the enchilada sauce, added ingredients per the recipe, cooked up the ground beef, assembled the tortillas and then thought I would taste the sauce to see if it needed anything.  Holy Moley!  Mother of fire! Get me water, milk, wine!  What am I going to do?  Tim said, “It can’t be that hot…let me taste it.”  He took a spoonful, looked at me, eyes watering, and said, “What are you going to do?”  I started with adding a can of tomato paste, then tomato sauce, dumped in some salsa (that was the dumbest thing I did since it was “medium salsa”), added some sugar, stared at it for awhile waiting for enlightenment, and finally added a can of tomato soup.  I couldn’t add anything else without pouring it all into another pot.  Decided it was as good as it was going to get.  The filled tortillas went into a casserole, I ladled in the sauce and topped it with as much cheddar cheese as I could get on it.  Here’s the verdict.  Tim said it was the best enchiladas he’s ever had.  I thought they were horrible.  I’m sticking with Taco Bell.