Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yuma AZ and Hockey Gold

Pulled into a park in Yuma, AZ today after leaving Casa Grande in pouring rain this morning.  I’m beginning to think there is no one left in Canada after all the whooping and hollering after the Canadian Hockey win today.  People on bikes ringing their ding, dings while balancing their cocktail with the other hand.  People standing in the street daring oncoming vehicles to move them out of the way.  People covered with tatoos toasting and clinking bottles on the motorcycles.  I became a Canadian today to save my family. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Old Geezer??

Does this look like an old geezer to you???

Mothers 20001

Well, I guess I am now.  Went to McDonald’s today and WITHOUT EVEN ASKING FOR IT I was given the “senior” discount for the coke I was buying.  I thought I was being an “honest” person and letting the clerk know she wasn’t charging me correctly…she informed me she gave me the “senior” discount.  Crap.  Double Crap.  

Saturday, February 06, 2010


I don’t know how people can write on their blog on a daily basis.  I follow a few blogs and am amazed how they have something to write about every day, post blogs featuring recipes (with pictures detailing the procedures on how to make the recipe)…the time it takes!  If I had to make my living by writing I would be in deep doo-doo.  Writing on this blog usually takes place in my head about 2am.  I’m really prolific then.  I have all sort of ideas, titles, things to write about.  Stuff you’d really like to read.  Pictures  that you would ooh and ahh over.  Recipes that would make your mouth water.  You would be hooked on this blog.  I could even add “Google Ad Sense” because there would be so many followers of this blog I’d make a fortune from all the “clicks”  made on the ads. My blog would be nominated for Best Blog of the World.  There would be a cookbook released from all the recipes I posted and it would make the NY Times bestseller list.  Not to mention the coffee table book of my pictures (which, of course, is also on the NY Times bestseller list).  However, when I wake up in the morning…I don’t remember a thing.  I’m not sure if I was really awake at 2am or had been dreaming about blogging.  Too bad you can’t get in my dreams…there’s some really good stuff there.