Monday, December 21, 2009

What's important

The two smiles are what's important. Audrey and her grandma smiling...nothing else matters. Not even peppermint ice cream with an oreo cookie crust and special dark chocolate hot fudge warmed to just the exact temperature. Close...but not quite. I had brain sludge the last couple of days (maybe because of the peppermint ice cream with an oreo cookie crust and special dark chocolate hot fudge warmed to just the exact temperature) but then I looked at this picture and the brain sludge was not revelant. Who cares about health care? The twillon kagillon budget deficit? Nebraska gets something forever? Not sure exactly what...but who cares? AZ has closed rest stops? (I don't care...but Lucy does need a piddle stop here and there.) Tiger and the ho's? His wife may only get 1/2 of his estimated worth...$300 mil? I care? We went to a RV resort today to confirm our SkyMed seminars in February and as I was taking Lucy out of the truck and placing her on the ground...a worker bee came up to tell me no dogs were allowed in the area we were parked...the check-in area. The worker bee was friendly enough and said she, personally, didn't have an issue with dogs but rules were rules. This RV "resort" has a pet area and a non-pet area where people park their RV's. She said in the non-pet area people get hostile if you even drive your vehicle through the area with the pet inside. Obviously, they need to get a life. I just have to look at Audrey and her grandma Susie smiling. That's all that's important. Maybe I should show it to Lucy, too, so she doesn't feel bad about the jerks out there who don't want her in their space. Jerks. I think it's time for some peppermint ice cream with an oreo cookie crust, etc. etc. (Certainly can't hurt.)
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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Grandma's little helper

Yep, I'm going to have some help cleaning house tomorrow. I can hardly wait.
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