Saturday, May 16, 2015

Jack and Ozzy

Jack (the collie) and Ozzy belong to Cyndi Graham who has a handweaving studio on St. John's Point which is only minutes from where we are staying.  St. John's Point is a narrow peninsula stretching seven miles into Donegal Bay and is a world renowned diving site.  The thatch cottage is where she has her shop and when we stopped we were greeted by Jack and Ozzy.  Jack reminds me of our Tootsie.  He's a rescue dog and is just three years old.  I could have taken him with me if I could have figured out how to get him back home.  She does beautiful weaving and has the most idyllic setting in which to weave.  One of her looms faces out to the bay.  

The weather is 4 seasons in one day.  It was raining this morning (not unusual), cold and now the sun is shining and blustery.  They have some real heavy duty winds here.  I think we've only seen 55 degrees so far.  The locals apologize for the cold, rainy weather but when we tell them where we are from and we don't mind they understand we are enjoying the weather.  (I could do with less wind, however.)  

Today we went into Donegal Town which is not far to the local craft center which sort of turned out to be a dud.  Probably too early in the season for many shops to be opened.  Trying to find parking in the town to eyeball the shops is a challenge so we just made a grocery run and headed back to Dunkineely.  Tim says I'm the only person he has ever known who gets excited about going to grocery stores in other countries.  I love going up and down the isles to see what they have.  They have lots of "mushy peas" but are lacking greatly in spinach - frozen, canned or fresh!  

Next post will be about our attempt to go to Sliabh Liag Cliffs (Slieve League).  It involves having to back the car down the road.

Slan go Foill

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