Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lone Pine, CA

Spending a couple of days in Lone Pine, CA.  Lone Pine is half way between Reno and Indio on Hwy 395.  Lone Pine has quite a history.  Manzanar Relocation Camp is north of the town.  The camp confined more than 10,000 Japanese Americans from 1942-1945.  We went through the exhibit when we came through in May.  http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/exhibits/manz/index.html

The Alabama Hills are located to the west of Hwy 395 and driving through Lone Pine you can't see them.  They're named after a Confederate warship.  Apparently prospectors mining in the area during the Civil War were sympathetic to the South and they were the ones who provided the name and it stuck. http://www.blm.gov/ca/st/en/fo/bishop/scenic_byways/alabamas.html . The area is also famous for filming such films as Gunga Din, How The West Was Won, Hop-a-Long Cassidy, Lone Ranger, Cisco Kid, etc... http://www.lonepinefilmhistorymuseum.org/.

And then there's the LA Aqueduct.  Amazing to know LA owns most of the land here. 

There's so much more to see and do in the area but we're ready to head south.  We left Hart Ranch and 39 degree weather.  Indio will be 100 tomorrow...but it's a dry heat.  Here's a link to the latest pictures from Lone Pine:  I think there probably is a "shorter" link but I haven't figured it out. https://picasaweb.google.com/115861928939426156753/AlabamaHillsAndCowboyFilmMuseum?authkey=Gv1sRgCOj6opaln4Gs9QE#

 I also can't figure out how to remove Sidney, NE from Weatherbug on my Droid.

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