Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who you lookin' at?

We had a breakout this morning. Cattle found a hole in the BLM fence and made a run for it...well, more like a slow walk. They ended up behind a tree behind us and this one decided he was going to stare me down. It was more like a dare. He wanted to see how brave I was. How close would I get to take his picture? Well, I fooled him. I opened the screen on the motorhome and stuck my head out and took his picture with the zoom lense.

Beautiful sunrise before the cattle stampede.

Oh, by the way, once again we're having 60 mph wind gusts. And, it's suppose to snow tonight...couple of inches. And, still windy tomorrow.
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1 comment:

Lorie said...

Well, the purpose of camping is for communing with Nature, no? Consider the roaming herd as Emissaries of Manure, I mean Nature. :)