Friday, November 19, 2010

Tick Tock

Tick tock, tick tock, it’s 2 o’clock, tick tock, tick tock, I’ve got blogger’s block, tick tock, tick tock.  Now you know what I do at 2 o’clock (am).  There are times where 2 am brings ideas (or weird dreams) to blog about…but there are other times where all I get is tick tock, tick tock.  Maybe I should take the batteries out of the stupid clock.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Men are from Mars

Just an observation on some of the differences between Tim and me.  Tim opens up the refrig (mind you the one in the moho is NOT that big) and asks where the mustard is.  “It’s on the shelf in front of you.” “No, it’s not.”  “Yes, it is.”  “Well, you come and find it then.”  I get up, walk over to the refrig and move the mayo jar to the side and hand him the mustard.  I’m afraid that if I took a trip back to the Midwest to see grandkids leaving him here…he would starve.  He wouldn’t find anything in the refrigerator let alone the pantry.  If he had to take anything out from the bottom bays…he wouldn’t be able to get it all back in.  You see, I’m a packer.  I should have worked for a moving company.  Nobody packs like I can.  I’ve moved 2 kids, an old English sheepdog, my grandmother’s rocking chair and an ironing board in a VW bug…all at the same time.  One of my better packs. 

Neon lights better be flashing for whatever he’s looking for.  He’s not about to move things aside to look for something.  He asked me where a certain book was the other day and I told him where.  He said it wasn’t where I told him.  I (once again) got up, went to where the book was, retrieved it and handed it to him.  You see, there was a stack of books and the one he wanted was on the bottom…without neon lights.  I rest my case. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

I’m Not a Pancake Fan…but

IMG_2124 Coach’s Oats Pancake Mix is to die for.  These are the BEST pancakes I’ve ever had.  There’s every grain (including flaxseed) that you can think of in the mix.  Full of fiber and high in protein.  Mix, water and egg is all you need to mix up a batch.  As far as I know Costco is the only place you can find Coach’s Oats.  There’s also regular Coach’s Oats – steel cut oatmeal and is simple to make.  You would think I’m a spoke person for Coach’s Oats (I’m not)…they’re just that good.

Lucy and I had a scary moment early this morning.  It was about 5:30 am and pitch black.  I give her more leash than normal so she can find just the “right” spot to do her business.  All of a sudden (just as she had found the spot) she starts barking.  Lucy is not a barker.  I turned to look in the direction she was looking and two coyotes were passing in front of us.  They looked at us and went the other way.  Lucy’s version is her barking scared them away.  Lesson(s) learned this morning…no more long leash to find her “spot”, carry flood light, position truck so head lights shine on us, turn motorhome headlights on and carry an AK47.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chip off the “auld Grandma Susie block”

Audrey Duck There’s Donald, Daffy and Daisy Duck.  However, the best duck of all is AUDREY DUCK!!!  Of all my grandchildren Audrey most takes after me.  You can see it in her eyes…she’s daring you to comment on her choice of Halloween costume.  Personally, I think it brings out the blue in her eyes.

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted on this blog.  Not that I haven’t had anything to say…I have.  But believe me, it would have been disjointed, unintelligible, and spacey (blame Prozac – lots of birds flying overhead…and not in formation…you had to be there to understand what I just wrote).  For those of you who have known what the last 6+ months has been like for Tim and I…I’m sure you understand the lapse in posting.  If you don’t know…sorry…I’m not going to relive the past.  Prozac is history, Tim is doing great and Lucy has a new winter jacket.  Life is good. The blog is back!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This and That

Sometimes – more often than not – I find it difficult to post anything.  I’m not one who’s going to give you a run down on my day.  My best posting (as I’ve mentioned before) is about 2am.  I have all sort of ideas.  Usually they are commentaries on ads on TV – especially the drug ones.  Tim and I have determined we would rather have the condition the drug is prescribed for than face all the side effects.  I also have these posts in my head (which I would send an email link for this blog to FOX NEWS) commenting on all the STUPID FOX NEWS ALERTS they do in any given 24 hour period.  Excuse me, it’s a Fox News Alert because the President is in his car going to some conference??? Or, how about the Fox News Alert that an elevator is stuck?  I don’t even pay attention to the alerts anymore.  They cried “wolf” too many times and, unfortunately, there may be a real news alert we the public should know and we aren’t tuning in. 

I’m afraid the older I become the more of a cynic I’ve turned into.  I don’t trust the media, I don’t like politics…they should all be fired with a Fox News Alert, I can’t understand the stupid politician who hasn’t learned from the stupid politicians (and President) before him that you don’t mess around with the help.  Yep, another Fox News Alert. 

Now you know why I don’t post more often.  I forget all I was going to write about when I wake up in the morning.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


You know the saying..."When life gives you lemons...make lemonade." Well, these are reallllly big lemons, and we've got some really big lemons in our life right now. Anyone got a really good lemonade recipe? I could use one.
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When are they going to get here? I've been waiting for over an hour. I don't see anyone yet but I know someone is coming because the table is set for four (and you thought I couldn't count). Lots of chopping and dicing going on. I wish they would hurry up and get legs are getting tired!
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Last Waltz

There’s a video on Yahoo about a 94 year old woman who has been told by her doctor she has congestive heart failure and maybe 6 months to live. She lives in a nursing home and one of the caregivers asked her what her final wish was. Here’s the link...

What would be on your bucket list? As for me, I’m still looking for the damn bucket.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Covered in Ash?

One could think the picture had been taken somewhere in Europe depicting how bad the Iceland volcano eruption has been. However, this is not the case. I took this picture in Shanghai a number of years ago. The life size figures were on a corner across from the hotel where we were staying and were erie looking. Don't know the story behind the statues or the artist. Did, however, make a great picture.

Old #7 Flank Steak was more like a #3. Didn't really care for the marinade. Made lemon chicken in the crockpot yesterday using frozen lemonade and it turned out pretty good.

Giving Jack Daniels another try. Bread pudding is in the oven and I will be making JD Whiskey Sauce to go with it.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm not a baker

I've probably ruined my cast iron dutch oven. It will have to soak for days. I wonder if Oxiclean would help?

This was my attempt at making "one pot bread".

Tim says I should have used Pam.

We're not talking.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

What would you make?

The Jack Daniel’s cookbook offers up these tasty morsels:  Catfish Cocktail, Frisky Whiskey, Wash Day Casserole, Soused Onions, Dog Bread, Baked Dove, Possum and Sweet ‘Taters (will take 12 hours or more to soak your possum), Hen Fruit Casserole, Snockerdoodles and Tennessee Holler-Puff.  I won’t be making any of the aforementioned.  Just don’t have any doves or possum in my pantry. Dang!  Had I had doves on hand I would have removed the wings, put them in a freezer bag and served them up in the crockpot with a little Jack Daniel’s sauce for appetizers next time we have a get together.  Oh well. 

I did find a recipe I will be making this weekend…Old No. 7 Flank Steak.  Marinate (overnight) the flank steak in garlic, dry mustard, and Jack.  Bread Pudding with Tennessee Whiskey Sauce looks promising, too.  I know Tim’s going to hide his Jack from me.  Anyone have a coupon for Jack Daniels?  I’m going to need it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I’m not Julia Child or Julie Powell

Not even close.  Not even somewhere in-between.  I have no desire to make every recipe in Julia’s book – “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” -

No de-boning a duck for me.  I don’t like duck.  The only good duck(s) are the ones I can keep in a straight line and lately there seems to be only bad ducks.  And, I don’t care for lobster so I don’t have to worry about hearing its’ squeal as it’s plunged into boiling water.  I found this site: and there are a couple of recipes that have interested me...her “Boeuf Bourguignon” and “Mashed Potatoes”.  Did you know meat (as in steaks, chops, etc) won’t brown (properly) unless they are dry of any moisture? 

I’m not Julie Powell (who blogged her way into a book which became the movie “Julia/Julie”) either.  Her tenacity to make all the recipes and blog about it every day for a year isn’t in my genes.  I consider myself on a roll if I post on this blog 3 days in a row!  But I can identify with her when she posted “Hello?  Anybody out there?  Does anyone read this?  Hello??”  I found her last post on her blog the day after Julia Child died -

I’m not sure what but watching Julie/Julia had an effect on me.  In the meantime, while I’m figuring out what the effect is, Tim wants me to fix all the recipes in this book:


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Red Pepper

I bought this red pepper at the IGA in Snowflake, AZ. Red peppers were $1.99 each. They were piled on top of one another so I went digging toward the bottom to find the largest. I wanted my money's worth. The checkout gal was even shocked to see such a large pepper. The picture doesn't really do it justice. I thought by putting it on the dashboard of the truck one could see how large it was. You'll just have to take my word for it...this puppy was huge.

I've thought for some time I should include a recipe now and then in this blog since I do like to cook. I don't think I would call my cooking a hobby...rather it's a means to eat decent food rather than living on fast food, processed food or eating out. You can't go out to a restaurant for under $50 for 2 meals and wine (Jack for Tim) and I swear I could have made it better. Too many times it's just mediocre. I actually get giddy when I make something for us that ended up costing $5-10 including wine! I made my first trip to the 99 cent store last week. Do you know they have fresh produce as in organic packaged lettuces for 99 cents? It was fresher than what I paid $3.00 for at a local chain! I also got a package of romaine hearts for 99 cents. Yesterday, I bought a 5 lb bag of russet potatoes for 99 cents. We don't eat a lot of potatoes but I will bake 5 or 6 and then put them in the refer to take out later and make potato skins or fried potatoes for Sunday breakfast. I watched Julie and Julia yesterday and it must be the reason for this post. If you haven't seen the movie, rent the DVD. Tim even liked it. I like Sandra Bullock but Meryl Streep should have gotten the Academy Award for her portrayal of Julia Child. Forgot to add a recipe...maybe next time...something with a red pepper in it.
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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Cabin Fever

Cabin fever in a 2200 square foot house is one thing.  Cabin fever in less than 300 square feet is quite different.  The weather has kept all three of us inside.  It’s either raining, snowing or blowing.  Feels like it’s been this way for months.  I can only read so much, surf so much, cook so much, clean, dust and vacuum, had my fill of Wal-Mart and Tim’s never had so much clean laundry at one time. Tim can be buried in a book for days without looking up.  Lucy goes from her bed, to our bed to the sofa to her food bowl and then starts over.  I, on the other hand, am starting to climb the walls.  The weather needs to shape up.  Anybody seen Al Gore?  I could use some global warming right now.  

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who you lookin' at?

We had a breakout this morning. Cattle found a hole in the BLM fence and made a run for it...well, more like a slow walk. They ended up behind a tree behind us and this one decided he was going to stare me down. It was more like a dare. He wanted to see how brave I was. How close would I get to take his picture? Well, I fooled him. I opened the screen on the motorhome and stuck my head out and took his picture with the zoom lense.

Beautiful sunrise before the cattle stampede.

Oh, by the way, once again we're having 60 mph wind gusts. And, it's suppose to snow tonight...couple of inches. And, still windy tomorrow.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

What a difference...

If you scroll down a couple of posts you'll see we were sitting in snow a week ago in Albuquerque. Now we are on our lot in Show Low, AZ. Blue skies, no WIND, and it's suppose to be 74 today. Yea! Plus, it's real quiet since most of the people aren't here yet. We have had crazy weather the last 10 days. I don't think we've ever been in such cold weather...let alone snow! At one point during the FMCA Rally in Albuquerque it looked like a blizzard.

We will leave here on Easter Sunday and head back down to Goodyear for a couple doctor appointments. We then are off to Pahrump, NV for a Winnebago Rally. However, right now it's nice being parked for a week and get the laundry done. I've even had time to make shortcakes for the strawberries I bought a couple of days ago. We took Lucy to the dog park and let her run. I feel guilty at times because she doesn't have the freedom to roam and run like she did when we still were in the house.

We haven't been in Show Low for almost 3 years. Doesn't look like much has changed. Going to Taylor to the local IGA where they sold Snowflake tomatoes. Hope they still have them...they were the best.
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Holy Moly…

It’s windy.  I mean reallly windy…63 MPH wind gusts.  We left Albuquerque this morning about 9 am heading west.  Yesterday was the last day of the FMCA International Rally.  We pulled out this morning heading to Sky City Casino RV Park which is 60 miles west of Albuquerque.  We were meeting up with Tim’s cousin and his wife, Dick and Rosemary, spending the night, dumping the tanks and taking on fresh water.  We both pulled into the RV Park at the same time, got our sites, and here came the wind.  Got hooked up, dumped the tanks, filled the water tank.  Neither one of us have put our slides out.  The casino/truck stop parking lot is filled with trucks, RV’s and trailers.    Took Lucy out to piddle in the gale force winds and she just looked up at me and I could actually read her mind…”Are you trying to kill me?  First it was the snow and now I’m going to end up in Kansas!”  At the moment, she and Tim are buried under blankets asleep.  I’m standing guard making sure we don’t blow over. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Are we having fun yet????

First thing Tim said this morning..."I thought we left this stuff behind 17 years ago when we moved to AZ." Yep, the picture shows what we woke up to this morning in Albuquerque. This is a first for us. For Lucy, too. She sniffed the snow, did a fast piddle and poo and headed back to the door. She's definitely a desert dog. Give her 100 degrees and she's a happy dog!!
Today was the day to move over to the live-in electric area for the vendors at the FMCA rally. Came real close staying another day at American RV Park. There were 2 pre-rallies (about 60 rigs) being held here and as we watched them pull out in the midst of this ugly weather we decided we would pull up our big-boy/girl panties and head out too.
However, we needed to still dump the grey and black tanks and fill the fresh water tank. We have electric in the vendor area but no water or sewer. Fortunately, we had unhooked the fresh water line to the rig the night before since the temperature was going to be in the 20's but it was still a challenge since the fresh water hose that was still attached to the faucet was frozen. Took awhile to get the water running. Thought I was going to have to get my hair dryer to thaw it out. All of the dumping, filling, flushing, cleaning and putting away was done in COLD weather. Our hands were freezing!

We are now parked in the live-in electric vendor lot with the sun shining and snow gone. The electric heater is running, however. I'm still cold and Lucy only came out from under her blanket for her cookie. She took it back to her bed and pulled the cover over before she ate it!
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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Spent 12 days at 2 rallies in Yuma.  Love the sound of freedom but after 12 days of Harrier’s flying overhead – so low I could see nose hair – had enough and was glad to be out of there. 

Checked into Cotton Lane RV park in Goodyear for a couple of days so we could meet with CPA and SkyMed Corporate.  Got a knock on the door on Sunday at 2pm and said we had only paid until Sunday noon, there was a rally coming in (and a few showed up a day early) and one of the rigs was assigned to our site.  Now, the park was 1/2 full with empty sites beside us, in front of us…everywhere.  BUT, WE HAD TO MOVE…ONE ROW OVER…RIGHT IN FRONT OF WHERE WE WERE.  Some people just lack common sense and are stupid.  The guy who was taking our spot wasn’t any better.  So, we moved at 2:30pm Sunday afternoon only to be checking out at 7:30 the next morning.  Morons. 

Dropped motorhome off Monday morning for oil change and new slide toppers.  Lucy went to Camp Cooper for a couple of nights and we stayed at Camp Marriott since the motorhome was at Camp $$.  Met with CPA and SkyMed.  LONG DAY. 

We stopped for lunch at a busy (and popular) restaurant and I guess I’m a little on the old fashion side but if you’re going to nurse your baby in public – and I have no issue with that – but could you at least show a little modesty and throw a blanket or diaper or shirt or something to cover yourself…especially in a restaurant when everyone is packed in?  I really don’t need to have two, huge boobs in my salad.  Besides, the dressing would upset the baby’s stomach.

Civility is gone.  People don’t think twice (or even once) about talking on their cell phones anywhere and everywhere.  I guess they think we all want to hear what they have to say.  There was a guy yesterday dressed to look like Richard Petty (NASCAR) except this guy was grungier looking and his hat was ugly.  He had a belt buckle that was the size of a small watermelon and he packed a gun.  He was constantly on his cell phone.  Moron. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wish Facebook had Audio

Our granddaughter JeeSoo had her first piano recital.  They live in Seoul, Korea so we couldn’t be there.  Our daughter-in-law posted pictures on Facebook and I just wish there was audio. 

It’s so hard not being close to our kids and grandkids.  The grandkids are growing up so fast and they all live so far away.  Most of the time Tim and I are so busy with our lives, going to the next SkyMed presentation or the next rally to set up our booth for SkyMed and RV Quick Shades, parking the rig, setting up, getting level, jacks down, propane on, electric hooked up, slides out, satellite turned on, and figuring out what’s for dinner, etc., etc.  Sometimes I think we keep busy so we don’t have time to think about how far we are from our families.  Web cams help. At best we see them once a year…for a week.  But, it’s not the same knowing they are just down the street and we can see them anytime we want.  It’s really hard sometimes. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I have a cold

I hate colds.  I haven’t had a cold for a couple of years.  My sinuses are plugged.  I have a raspy voice.  My taste buds are shot.  My eyeballs hurt.  Wine doesn’t help.  I hate colds.

Thursday, March 04, 2010


We’re at the Good Sam Rally in Yuma, AZ which is being held at the Yuma County Fairgrounds (across the street from the Marine Corp Air Station).  Lots of planes fly overhead since we’re located on their landing path.  Everything from transport planes, fuelers, F-8-15-32-48 – whatever they’re called (they go really, really, fast) and the loudest of them all – Harriers.  I’m use to jet noise after living near Luke Air Force Base for 12 years BUT…these Harriers are the noisest planes I’ve ever heard.  When they go over the building we’re in I duck.  There’s no talking when they fly over.  You can’t hear a thing except the roar of their engines.  Here’s a YouTube video on how they land – it’s really cool.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yuma AZ and Hockey Gold

Pulled into a park in Yuma, AZ today after leaving Casa Grande in pouring rain this morning.  I’m beginning to think there is no one left in Canada after all the whooping and hollering after the Canadian Hockey win today.  People on bikes ringing their ding, dings while balancing their cocktail with the other hand.  People standing in the street daring oncoming vehicles to move them out of the way.  People covered with tatoos toasting and clinking bottles on the motorcycles.  I became a Canadian today to save my family. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Old Geezer??

Does this look like an old geezer to you???

Mothers 20001

Well, I guess I am now.  Went to McDonald’s today and WITHOUT EVEN ASKING FOR IT I was given the “senior” discount for the coke I was buying.  I thought I was being an “honest” person and letting the clerk know she wasn’t charging me correctly…she informed me she gave me the “senior” discount.  Crap.  Double Crap.  

Saturday, February 06, 2010


I don’t know how people can write on their blog on a daily basis.  I follow a few blogs and am amazed how they have something to write about every day, post blogs featuring recipes (with pictures detailing the procedures on how to make the recipe)…the time it takes!  If I had to make my living by writing I would be in deep doo-doo.  Writing on this blog usually takes place in my head about 2am.  I’m really prolific then.  I have all sort of ideas, titles, things to write about.  Stuff you’d really like to read.  Pictures  that you would ooh and ahh over.  Recipes that would make your mouth water.  You would be hooked on this blog.  I could even add “Google Ad Sense” because there would be so many followers of this blog I’d make a fortune from all the “clicks”  made on the ads. My blog would be nominated for Best Blog of the World.  There would be a cookbook released from all the recipes I posted and it would make the NY Times bestseller list.  Not to mention the coffee table book of my pictures (which, of course, is also on the NY Times bestseller list).  However, when I wake up in the morning…I don’t remember a thing.  I’m not sure if I was really awake at 2am or had been dreaming about blogging.  Too bad you can’t get in my dreams…there’s some really good stuff there.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


We were driving back from Tombstone passing through St. David when I saw this building. I made Tim turn around so I could take pictures. In case you can't tell from the picture...that's a coffin in the window. Maybe this is a memorial to Grandma Goodman!!
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quartzsite Weather

Here's a happy camper at Happy Hour last night. It was windy and chilly. Fortunately Russ had a tie on his hat so he could keep his hat and hoodie on. Don't think he had enough wine to ward off the chills!

We're parked with the group on BLM (Bureau of Land Management for those who don't know) land a few miles south of the town of Quartzsite. In the summer there are 5 people here. In the winter there are a million. The big draw is the RV Show which is held 1/16-24. You can see any and every type of rv that has ever been made. There's also a rock, craft and car show that happens before and after the RV show.
You can see how thrilled Lucy is with her new "Snuggie". Needs to be altered. However, I don't think it will make a difference. She doesn't move with it on. Just stands there and looks at me. Tim had the same look with his on, too. They just don't appreciate what I do for them to keep them warm on these blustery, raining (pouring and blowing at the moment) days.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

19 years

Hard to believe it's been 19 years since we have seen John and Vickie. Tim and John worked together at Nestle-Beich (a life time ago). And, other than email contact, we haven't seen them until a couple of days ago. They came for a visit (we're in Desert Hot Springs, CA and they live in Santa Clarita, CA). They were both born in Greece and have a home there in a small town where Vickie was born. I think they said the population is around 2000 but grows to 4000 in the summer. We have a standing invitation to visit...just have to get some pontoons for the motorhome so we can take Lucy!! Vickie brought homemade Greek goodies - baklava and the lightest, butteriest, powdered sugered covered cookies with chopped almonds that I have ever tasted. Tim latched on to the baklava and I gravitated to the cookies. I've had to hide them to save us from ourselves. It was wonderful catching up on kids, work, travel. I just hope it isn't another 19 years before we see them again. We'd love to visit them in Greece...I wonder if Ebay would have any pontoons? But, for now, I have to go and find where I hid the goodies....

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Sunday, January 03, 2010

On the road again...

Sean and Yeon came to visit for a week. Why I waited until 15 minutes before they left to take any pictures...I have no clue...except while they were here I was busy getting everything done that needed to be done to get the house ready for the renters and the last of the "stuff" moved back into the moho. They were a great help carrying stuff from the house to the moho (now referred to as my "crate". Lucy has her crate where she escapes to and I have mine).

We left on Jan 1 and are now, finally, settled in one place - with wheels. And, a new washer/dryer combo! Do you remember the motels that had the machine you put a quarter in and the bed vibrated??? Well, that's sort of what it's like in the moho when the machine is in the spin cycle. Lucy and Tim both stopped what they were doing and looked at me for assurance all was OK. It's really not that bad...just a new experience for them.

I also had to remember how the remotes for the TV/Direct TV and DVD work. There should be just one remote for all TV's, etc no matter where you are or what brand you have. Same buttons. Same channels. Just one remote. Now for the Wii. I wonder where I put the directions??
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