Blogging on musings, memories and a snapshot of daily (well...almost, sometimes, once in awhile, when I'm in the mood to write) of my life!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Junction City OR
We are now in the parking - storage lot of school buses and Amazing Creations where we are having some cabinetry work done.
There is also a train track behind us. Amtrak came through about an hour ago doing 257 MPG. I do like trains; however, let's hope they don't jump the tracks.
Does this mean a whole lot of drivers show up tomorrow morning to take the kiddies to their first day of school????
If we wake up tomorrow morning with tattoos it will be their fault.
We are locked in for the night. I think I may check to see if Eugene has a Marriott.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ate too much & Campers
I shouldn’t watch Giada (Everyday Italian). But I did. And, because of her, I had to make lasagna. I haven’t made lasagna for a year (or two or three). Christmas Eve use to be when I would make lasagna…a family tradition. I make a pretty good lasagna…sweet Italian sausage, spinach, lots of cheese and no boil noodles. Of course, I make enough for 20 people. However, I also had a sweet tooth and made cheesecake bars which didn’t look like the picture on the recipe But, tasted great since I made a blueberry compote But, I ate too much. Tim ate too much…even Lucy ate too much of her kibble. We tried to go for a walk after dinner…but have you ever seen beached whales try to walk? It’s all Giada’s fault.
This park is full of Campers. There is a difference between RVer’s and Campers. Campers are here for their yearly vacation. RVer’s may still work and be weekenders (we were for 3 years) but many are retired and may be fulltimer’s (we now are). They live in their RVs. Campers show up with 3.9 kids (one under the age of two), 2 yappy dogs (RVers have dogs…Lucy, however, is not a yappy dog), 4 bicycles (one with training wheels), tents, sleeping bags, coolers, porta cribs, strollers, bouncy thingys, squeeky toys, expandable wooden clothes hangers, grills (RVers have those) basketballs (2) and wood…lots of wood. They kids forage the area and bring back branches to add to the fire. I think they are closet pyromaniacs. They love to have a campfire going – early morning, afternoon, and always at night. They have brought every folding chair they own because everyone they know within a 50 miles radius comes to see them and they all sit around the campfire (sometimes two deep) and drink beer and wine (RVers drink beer, Jack Daniels and boxed wine – Campers bring bottles…RVers travel with boxes – better storage).
Campers have to pack up, return to civilization and the daily grind for another year before they get to do it again. RVers have to pull the slides in and decide where they want to go next. Many RVers were first campers. Not me. I skipped the camper part and went straight for RVer. My idea of camping was JW Marriott. Still is.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I know I said…
being exposed to diversity among people, different age groups, etc… rather than living in a community where all were alike was a good thing…that was BEFORE spending a week in a campground with thousands of kids, strollers, loud screaming, bouncing basketballs non-stop, squeaky toys, crying kids, kamikazee kids on training bicycles, kamikazee kids on regular bikes, obnoxious parents talking goo-goo ga-ga to their crying kids, kids fighting, did I mention those x0!x?!X squeaky toys??????? And, did I mention they were parked next to us???? On both sides of us??? And, we’re here for another week?? Get the picture??
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Live Writer
The previous post (I’m Not Wired) was written off-line using Windows Live Writer. I save as a draft, editing and/or adding pictures. I then make the trek to the clubhouse (free wifi), open Live Writer and “publish” the post. Pretty cool.
Just found - Not Wired!
Note…The post below titled “Not Wired!” was written a couple of years ago using Windows Live Writer. I saved it as a draft and never got around to publishing it. I still use Live Writer.
I’m using Windows Live Writer to write this post. I’m currently not “on-line”. This is a first for me. We are at a ROD property south of Newport, OR and it is a Thousand Trails resort…Whaler’s Rest Resort. Fortunately for us, we were able to get a huge site. Most of the sites are very narrow and shallow. If we had been here 30 minutes later the site we’re on would have been taken by someone else. This is the first park we’ve been in that “you go find your site and come back and let the office know which one you took”. We have very spotty Verizon cell phone service ( 1 to 0 blips) and zip on Internet. I have to go to the clubhouse where there is Wi-Fi.
Talk about a change in weather. Just a couple of days ago it was 192 and rising. Today, Tim wants the heat on. Barely 60. Lucy’s looking at me asking for her blankets. I have found WalMart, Fred Meyer’s and Dutch Brothers Coffee. Life is good.
This picture was taken at Boardman RV Park and Marina in Boardman, OR (next to the Columbia River). The park is run by the Parks and Recreation Dept and is very well maintained. It is also a Good Sam park.
I have to go turn the heat on…they are both looking at me shivering.